Risk Decisions Community Events return in style

We were delighted last month to bring back the Risk Decisions Community Event, a networking day designed to bring together professionals to share experiences and new ideas around risk.  

The event has always been the highlight of our social calendar so it has been a travesty to have to set it aside for the past few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic and instead meet with our customers virtually. Whilst there are plenty of perks to not having to travel great distances to meet, nothing can beat the experience of bringing everyone together in one room to catch up and bounce ideas off one another. 

We were able to host the in person event in the idyllic setting of The Magdalen Centre in Oxford. We would like to thank all of our delegates and speakers for attending and making the day such a success. 

After an introduction from our CEO Val Jonas, the day kicked off with a session from Gary Singleton of BAE Systems where he talked us through the intricacies of implementing Predict! into a new business unit. With BAE being such a large and complex business, communication between several sectors and lines of business is challenging. As a long-time customer of Predict! Gary and his team are advocates for Risk Decisions within the BAE Systems business framework and Gary is the ideal person to answer questions about what it’s really like implementing the software across a business.  

After a short networking break, we were joined virtually by one of our customers in Canada, Hatch. (There are still some perks to virtual meetings!) It was a very early morning for them so it was great to see everyone in the room engaged with their session and fully appreciating their expertise. Navid Torkanfar and Pouya Zangeneh, both Data Analysts at Hatch talked us through their own unique approach to risk management and how analytics drive their organisation and support their digitization programme. 

After lunch, Trevor Jay, Risk Decisions’ Technical Sales Manager, brought us the moment we have all been waiting for with a preview of Predict! 6.3 and the roadmap for the future. Later this year, the newest version of Predict! will be bringing with it some long awaited features including swift risk – the ability to edit risks without leaving the list view – and new notification options to help nudge users and encourage wider engagement in risk. 

Our final guest speaker of the day was Dale Shermon from QinetiQ who took us back to basics by breaking down risk and explaining how we measure risk and plan for all possible outcomes using Monte Carlo methods. 

Before the day was out, we managed to squeeze in a quick discussion session around risk terminology, led by Val, giving everyone the chance to talk about their views on risk and where they see it heading. 

One of the attendees, Heather Walker, Planning and Risk Capability Lead at BAE Systems, had this to say: “The presentations were really informative and thought provoking. It was extremely useful to see the future plan for Predict! to enable me to feed this back to the business. Looking forward to the next Community Event!”

Overall, the day was a huge success, and we were so grateful for the opportunity to get together and share ideas on how to overcome universal issues. We can’t wait for our next Risk Decisions Community Event being held in Canberra next month. 

If you would like to find out more about the discussion that took place on the day or enquire about booking your place on future Community Events, please get in touch.Â