In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the ability to navigate risk and uncertainty is crucial for success. But what exactly does it mean to be a ‘risk-intelligent’ leader? And how can you build a culture that embraces risk and drives performance within your organisation?
That’s exactly what the first white paper in our Risk Intelligence (RQ) series, ‘How successful leaders thrive in an uncertain world’, aims to explore. Through expert insights, we delve deep into the relationship between risk and leadership and examine how risk can be used to drive innovation, agility, and shape the future of organisations.

Does risk have a PR problem?
We explore the idea that risk has a public relations problem. It is often seen as negative and associated with nothing but problems. Our panel of experts explore ways in which the entire industry of risk needs to change its perception if it wants to progress. They look at the emergence of a new type of risk leader, one who understands that risk brings immense opportunities for business and inspires people to approach it in a new and modern way.
RQ and the Risk-Intelligent Leader
Looking at the role of risk in driving performance and innovation within organisations, we discuss patterns and ways that risk can be used as a force for good, helping accelerate growth, increase performance and efficiency, and stay competitive.
Va-Va-Voom! Risk as a performance driver
We dive into the possibilities of creating a culture within organisations that embraces considered risk-taking through 7 key cornerstones. By fostering a culture of trust and accountability and using storytelling and education to change the perception of risk-taking, organisations can inspire their employees to take ownership of risk management and drive performance.
The curious case of risk culture
Finally, the conclusion in our white paper highlights the challenges faced by businesses in a constantly changing and challenging environment. It emphasises the importance of having ‘risk-intelligent’ leaders who can capitalise on opportunities by understanding and managing risk.
If you’re a leader looking to thrive in an uncertain world, or an organisation looking to foster a culture of careful risk-taking to drive performance, this Risk-Intelligence white paper is a must-read. Complete the form below to download your copy now.