Predict! 6.3 makes managing risk even easier

In today’s challenging world, Risk Decisions’ priority is to make managing risk as easy as possible by providing our customers with modern, best of breed risk management tools. That’s why we are continuously developing our ISO31000 compliant Predict! software suite, to help customers deliver projects and programs on time and on budget. 

Risk Decisions’ team has been working closely with managers, risk practitioners, end-users and IT departments to ensure current and future versions of Predict! deliver the best risk management experience and capability securely, whether hosted on Predict! Cloud or on-premise.  

Building on our recent innovative releases of Predict! Risk Visualiser and our 2-way API Predict! Risk Connect, the new Predict! 6.3 release comes with a host of new features requested by our customers: 

Swift Risk 

Our customers wanted the ability to update their risks and actions as quickly as possible, so we listened and took action to streamline Predict!’s reviewing and editing of risks and actions. At our recent community events, when we demonstrated how Swift Risk enables updates directly from any list, we received a unanimous endorsement for the new capability. Current estimates indicate it halves regular risk review and update time, maximizing productivity. No more excuses for using inefficient, siloed spreadsheets to manage risk. 

Configurable Notifications 

Predict! has always had the capability to send emails to users reminding them about risks and actions coming up for review or being overdue.  

Now you have the ability to configure notifications to alert users to important changes to risks, actions and folders. For example a project manager will be notified when the score changes on a risk in their project folder. 

The ability to Follow Risks 

If you’re interested in a risk, just follow it and you’ll be notified of any changes. Keeping you updated on risk information in real-time.  

Automatic User Management 

Building on our modern new-build version 6 Admin interface, Predict! super users continue to focus on adding value to the risk process, rather than fighting with clunky administration tasks.  

New users can be created automatically the first time they log in, with default permissions so they can get straight to work without having to worry about lengthy set up requirements. This is supported by Predict!’s flexible concurrent licensing model. 

It’s also much easier to update and retire existing users, using automatic alerts that highlight users that haven’t accessed the system for a set period.  

Additional Custom fields 

Customers asked us for configurable dropdown lists, to prompt users to select relevant data. These are now available for risks, actions, and folders, allowing risk owners to work locally, while managers view risks across the enterprise.  

Increased user take-up with Lite licences 

With our new Lite Licence option, more people in your organisation can use Predict! at a lower cost. This will give additional team members the ability to view risks that they own, without having to purchase a full user licence, combining flexibility with a cost effective approach. 

Reasons for choosing Predict! 

Customers continue to choose Predict! due to the ease of use of its integrated risk management, Monte Carlo Schedule and Cost Risk Analysis capability. Minimal training is required to have users up and running, contributing to a low cost of ownership and increased uptake. 

For existing customers, upgrading to Predict! 6.3 is easy. Our dedicated Global Customer Delivery and Support team – situated in the UK, Australia and North America – is on-hand to add value, helping your organisation to reach the next level of risk management maturity and engagement.  

For new customers, Predict! 6.3 will give your organisation the confidence to embed excellent risk management capability across the entire enterprise. Our rapid deployment service will ensure your organisation is up-and-running fast, whilst providing expert configuration support to match your risk practices, which results in a smooth and effective transition. 

If you are looking to reduce costs, deliver your projects and programs on time, increase your profit margin and get more bang for your buck, Predict! 6.3 is for you. 

Find out more about Predict! 6.3 by getting in touch with us.Â